Leaving Behind 2016


Are you trying to make sense of 2016 and where things are headed in 2017? From the terror attacks, Zika, Brexit, mass killings in Orlando, to Florida, Harambe killed at a Cincinnati Zoo, police shootings, Hurricane Matthew, Syria, Trump, and so many celebrity deaths, it's clear that truly terrifying events have really piled up this year.

While it's hard to know what would qualify as the worst year in history, 2016 has felt like that for so many. The silver lining of experiencing really awful times is that successfully working through tragedies will give us an opportunity to build resiliency, increase our awareness and grow our capacity to love each other.

As 2016 is coming to an end, I am reflecting on the importance of having healthy endings. In order to move forward, completions are necessary. And ironically, according to numerology 2016 is a '9' year which is all about endings, completing, unfinished business, reaching new conclusions, and tying up loose ends. It's hard to evaluate the meaning of our hardships when we are stuck in them. But I believe that working through our hardships will help us take new action steps and create a better world for ourselves and others.

In 2017 we are entering a '1' year (per numerology) which is all about new beginnings, being strong-willed, originating new ideas, being focussed, self-reliant and progressive. Below please find 6 important questions I advise you to ask yourself and journal about before beginning 2017!

Questions to ask:

  1. What am I releasing from 2016 that I will NOT miss?

  2. What am I releasing from 2016 that I WILL miss?

  3. At what point did I experience this year as challenging?

  4. What did I do to cope and/or get help for those challenges?

  5. What do I refuse to put up within 2017?

  6. What am I excited about creating in 2017?


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