International Women's Day #BeBoldForChange


March 8th is a global holiday celebrating women’s achievements and campaign for gender equality. I am thinking back to January 21st when I participated in the Women's March. For anyone who participated, I am sure you can agree that the experience was extremely meaningful and impactful. As we continue the fight for change, this year's theme for International Women's Day #BeBoldForChange feels very relevant.

So many of us are working hard for change on a collective level and at same time we also have our own hopes and dreams of personal fulfillment. I believe that if we want to go after our dreams, we have to be willing to be bold and take a leap of faith despite being afraid of failure. If you find yourself struggling to be bold, this blog is for you! Maybe you have gotten clear signs that you should make a major change; like maybe leave that toxic job or relationship that you have spent years complaining about, yet you consistently avoid getting into action?

Susan Mitchell shares in her book, Be Bold And Discover the Power of Praise , "One of the greatest legacies of the women's movement that has swept the world in the latter part of the 20th century is that the women learned the courage to speak out and act on the aspects of their lives with which they were unhappy. They built on the work and the boldness of the early feminists, suffragettes and suffragists at the beginning of the century, and took their lives into their own hands."

In honor of International Women's Day, I invite you to be bold and take your life into your own hands. It is terrifying to shake up the status quo by boldly speaking your truth and making changes in your life. Nevertheless, it's also terrifying to consider what would happen if nothing changed. If you feel stuck in being bold I suggest that you journal the answers to the five questions I have listed below. The time is now. Be bold, be courageous and always be kind to yourself. Struggling to be bold? Questions to ask yourself:

1. What sign are you waiting for in order to get into action and make a change? Really, what are you truly waiting for?

2. What are you REALLY afraid of?

3. What matters most to you in your life? Will making a change be in alignment with what matters most?

4. What risks do you have to endure by being bold and making a change? 5. What risks do you endure by not making a change?

Can you relate to this post? If yes, please send me an email and let's set up a complimentary phone call.

Sending you peaceful thoughts and wishes for brighter days.


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